RATZILLA (VIDEO): Handfeeding an orphaned baby wild rat (September 1, 2015)

 Handfeeding an orphaned baby wild rat
This male wild rat was approximate born about the same day.

I found a day-old baby male wild rat late afternoon in September 1st... earlier that day, I was filming Milan for an educational video to show how rats love to keep clean and groomed.

Most other times, I was fortunate to have nursing mothers around to adopt them, or I usually adopt them as 2 week old rats with hair and open eyes already.

This is the first time for me to experience hand feeding a rat. Fortunately, the web has a rich resource of instructions on hand feeding.

Based on these online resources, the baby rats can be fed with human infant formula every 3-4 hours. The computation for how much they should be fed is as follows:

rat's weight x 5% = xx cc
The answer will be the amount of cc to put in the feeding syringe.

Ex. 6 grams x 0.05 = 0.30 cc per feeding

I doubt that they can really finish that amount per feeding and there might be excess unused. Sadly, he didn't make it and died the same day. He was still moving while I was editing the video. An hour later, I found him stiff. I guess he was already ill when his mother dropped him.

Makes me ask myself... where did I go wrong?

Handfeeding an orphaned baby wild rat

Handfeeding an orphaned baby wild rat

Handfeeding an orphaned baby wild rat

Handfeeding an orphaned baby wild rat

Handfeeding an orphaned baby wild rat

Handfeeding an orphaned baby wild rat


Further Reading:


Be a Bro and follow Lady Rattus!