EYES: Jazzy Collections Eyeshadow Base

Jazzy Collections Eyeshadow Base
Jazzy Collections Eyeshadow Base

2015.09.11 - First published
2019.10.26 - Re-written from scratch and super-condensed

The Jazzy Collections Eyeshadow Base retails at 299 Pesos (2015) for 12mL size when I made it. It's made in France and available in SM Department Stores and select Watsons outlets. The pump is very precise and can pump a tiny dot of the primer jelly from the tube, that way, nothing goes to waste. The jelly applies like butter on my eyelids. It has no odor and feels nice on the skin. I must apply the eyeshadow quickly, or else it does become sticky when my eyelids fold. Once the eyeshadow has been set, it stays dry and silky smooth, will last even until the next day. My eyelids can get oily or sweaty sometimes, but this primer from Jazzy will not be disrupted and performs immaculately so I can have peace of mind all day. At the end of the day, it easily washes off with ordinary soap and leaves a clear skin.

Jazzy Collections Eyeshadow Base

Jazzy Collections Eyeshadow Base

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