CATZILLA: Mother Cat Kofi Banished and Dying From Jealousy

Mother Cat Kofi Banished and Dying From Jealousy, BanishedMother Cat Kofi Banished and Dying From Jealousy
Mother Cat Kofi Banished and Dying From Jealousy


2021.09.24 - Published

Mocha (calico) gave birth around the last days of August. She birthed in another location so we do not know about the litter; one day, we just found one surviving calico in our garage and the other one was decapitated (yuck!). All calico are females, male calico cats are rare and infertile.

I leased the baby to Kofi because she looked keen on adopting a baby. Kofi readily accepted the kitten. The next day, mother Mocha was very anxious to get it back and banished Kofi from getting near the baby. Kofi then gave that hurt jealous look and made several attempts to kidnap the kitten, invoking the ire or mother Mocha.

The videos were filmed on

8th and 10th September 2021


Open Camera app

We currently already have 10 rescue cats at home and will be putting up the kitten for adoption in the future. 

The jealous stare after being banished.

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