FACE: BYS Liquid Illuminator 'Elixir'

BYS Liquid Illuminator 'Elixir'
BYS Liquid Illuminator 'Elixir'

2015.02.15 - First published
2019.11.05 - Re-written from scratch

BYS Liquid Illuminator 'Elixir'
"This sheer, lightweight liquid illuminator creates a natural luminosity. It's able to instantly highlight and contour cheeks and brow bones or give your face an all over glow. This multi-use product can be worn under, over or mixed with your moisturizer or foundation."

Price:  PhP 649.00
Net Weight: 20 mL
Scent: Alcohol
Made in China

BYS Liquid Illuminator variants
01 Strobe - use to create a slimming effect or to brighten your complexion.
02 Elixir - mix with foundation to illuminate your skin tone
03 Luster - use on your cheekbones to contour and define
04 Glimmer - apply to the apples of your cheeks for an instant glow
05 Luminescence - dab under your eyes to illuminate and refresh your face

The BYS Liquid Illuminator 'Elixir' was given to me a few months ago as a gift after attending BYS' second anniversary here in the Philippines back in September 2014. Anyway, this liquid bronzer/highlighter has a sheer finish with just a tiny bit of bronze. It has an alcoholic scent and is mostly a glowing shine rather than a tint, which is why I rarely used it even as a cheekbone highlighter. It's up to you how you want to use this: to highlight the cheekbones/nosebridge or as substitute to foundation.

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