CATZILLA: VetMate Pyrantel Embonate + Praziquantel (Dewormer For Cats and Dogs)

VetMate Pyrantel Embonate + Praziquantel (Dewormer For Cats and Dogs)
VetMate Pyrantel Embonate + Praziquantel
(Dewormer For Cats and Dogs)

Drafted March 2019
Published 15 March 2020

Tapeworms were infesting my cats, and it all started when I adopted Angel as a two month old cat. My first try was the Ivermectin which had a side effect and wasn't effective. My second try was the Pyrantel Embonate, which worked at first, but the tapeworms persisted. Tapeworms were still coming out of their stool and butt ends. Apparently, you will need an ingredient called 'Praziquantel' to get rid of the tapeworms. It was already super effective on my first try, and no more worms were visible after the first dose. Although I did extend up to 6 weeks for Angel to make it more effective. You can find this dewormer in stores or online shops being marketed as for dogs, but this is totally safe for the cats too.

For kittens, you need to start de-worming them once they reach 6 weeks old, do not administer when they are younger. First every two weeks until they reach 3 months old. Then from there, once every three months as maintenance. You can administer 30 minutes after a meal. It says in the label that fasting is not recommended.

PRAZIQUANTEL kills worms that have hatched inside your pet. What it cannot do is to kill egg worms. You will need several routines to do a well-rounded system to get rid of them in the long term. For example, you will also need to get rid of fleas and clean your surroundings because they drop eggs when they die.

= = = Product Details = = =

   VetMate Farma Corporation

Generic Name:
   Pyrantel Embonate + Praziquantel


   Pyrantel Embonate = 14.4 mg per mL of suspension
   Praziquantel = 5 mg per mL of suspension

   60mL (also available in 15mL)

VERMIFUGE contains the active combination of Pyrantel Embonate and Praziquantel for fast and effective results. It treats and controls roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, whipworms, and pinworms.

1mL per 1kg of body weight of cat/dog
Administer at age 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks of age

A single treatment may be sufficient, but a second dose 2-4 weeks later is recommended if re0nfestation is likely or presence of parasite in your area is suspected. FASTING IS NOT RECOMMENDED.

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  1. Hi! Just wanted to ask if how did you know your cat has tapeworms? Did you bring him/her to the vet or did you just observe his/her stool/butt? Hoping for a response :) Big thanks!

    1. Hello! If you look at their poop, there will be some white moving things that look like grains of rice. You can sometimes also see it coming out of their butt.


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